Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Storms of Life

Well I wish I could say that this year has been a great year but that would not be true. Satan has really attacked our family this year so it has been a very rough year for me and my family. My mom went on to be with the Lord July 2nd of this year. She lived with my husband and I for 15 years so needless to say this was very tough on us. I know she is in a much better place but I have to admit the holidays have been tough as we celebrated our first Thanksgiving without her and now celebrating the Christmas holidays without her as well. She loved Christmas, it was always her favorite holiday and I miss her dearly. After her death, Satan attacked our family. My husband and I had been having some marital problems due to finances and other issues. I didn't realize how bad it really was until just a few months ago. My husband resigned as youth pastor effective October 7th and left me on October 8th. We were separated for 2 weeks. We did speak to one another regularly and within a few days he informed me that he did want to save our marriage and was willing to go to marriage counseling. We then set a date for marriage counseling.  Needless to say, during this ordeal, I was shocked and very upset.  It was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through. I don't wish it on anybody nor do I ever hope you have to go through it.  I looked to God, my family and friends during this trial as this happened only 2 months after my mom's passing. Satan was attacking our church, our youth ministry and our family. The youth ministry was our passion. It broke my heart. In a matter of months, I had lost my mom, my husband and my second family, our youth ministry. I knew God had it all under control. I simply had to trust him and give it all to Him. I give thanks to God for helping me through this storm in my life and giving me the strength to get through it. I also give many thanks to my dear friends and family for helping me through that difficult time.  I am truly blessed to have such great friends. After spending many hours in God's Word and praying daily, God performed a miracle. God gave me incredible strength through this storm, strength I never knew I had in me. When you think God has given you too much, He hasn't. It is when you are at your weakest you become strong. God gives you the strength and you are able to persevere. He never gives you more than you can handle, I know this to be TRUE. I prayed day and night for a miracle and God answered that prayer. I received a devotional email through a friend of mine which really helped me during this storm and I prayed it day and night. Prayer works! Prayer is so powerful!!! I wish I could say that after my husband returned for marriage counseling, he reverted back to his old self and the man I no longer knew. In August of 2011 he left me for good and filed for divorce a couple weeks later. What I had suspected and feared was true, he had been having an affair and it was with someone that I knew and was also married as well. I did suspect there was someone else but had no proof. I do know God warned me of this in a dream which He gave me a year prior to my mom's passing. At the time I thought it was just really bad dreams and that the enemy was attacking me. I later found out that the dreams happened precisely in the order God gave them to me and even who the person was and it didn't come back to me completely until it all happened. God warned me of this very thing and was looking after me. He is such a good God. He loves us unconditionally and wants the very best for us. I thank God and give Him all the praises because He helped me through the storms in my life when I felt I had lost all that was most important to me other than my kids.  I would encourage you if you are going through some tough times, maybe even something like this, please keep your eyes focused on God, give it all to Him. He will see you through this storm. Even in your darkest of days, He is always with you. He will speak to you and He will use whomever or whatever to speak to you. I consider myself very blessed. I learned to praise God in the midst of the storms. One night as I was reading Job during this trial, a verse really spoke to my heart and I would like to share it with you. "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?" Job 2:10. That scripture really hit me and I knew God was speaking to me. I praise God for what He is doing in my life. I give God all the glory for seeing me through such a difficult time. I believe you have to look at each storm as a learning experience to help you grow more in your faith. I know this was not of God but of Satan but I also know that in all things God is there. I had to fully rely on God each day. I learned that I had not been doing on a regular basis. It is amazing what God will allow you go through. I consider myself very blessed. You will get through the storms of life, trust God and keep your faith and focus on Him. Don't fall into Satan's temptations or lies, trust God! Keep the faith!!! I pray for all those who are experiencing storms in their life whether it be finances, job, marital problems, or health related, whatever it is I pray God's mercy and grace be upon you this Christmas season. May he blanket you with comfort and peace. I pray for blessings to fall upon you and may He give you the strength to endure it. We serve an AWESOME and AMAZING God!!! Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! Blessings to you all!


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