Saturday, December 1, 2012

Moving from Problem to Promise

Adversity tests our faith. Do we really believe that God is in control? Do we recognize that, in ways often beyond our grasp, He causes everything to work together for our good?

Romans 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

Are we convinced that at just the right moment He will give us all the good things He has promised?
When we collide with the unfairness of life, questions such as "Why me?" "Why now?" or even "Why did God?" testify to our desperate need for answers. We must shift our focus from problem to promise by asking, "What now, God? What can I learn from this situation? What will you reveal about your plan for my future?"

We must surrender it all to God - give it all to Him. He draws us close and whispers, "Don't worry. I am in control."


So many marriages are struggling these days and often end up in divorce. An everlasting marriage is what God intended. Since when did marriage become a routine more than a lasting marriage? When did "I do" become irrelevant and just a saying? What makes people give up on their marriage without even considering marriage counseling? I have pondered this many times as I have had friends who have been divorced, have friends going through a divorce as well as myself, many of them whom their spouse had an affair or just chose to leave without even considering marriage counseling. They chose the easy way out, the world's way out. Today's society has made divorce so easy. It is sad that so many don't take their vows serious. Marriage was intended to last. God hates divorce. Malachi 2:16 "I hate divorce," says the Lord God. Mark 10:9 "Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."  1 Corinthians 7:10-11 "To the married I give this command (not I, but the Lord):  A wife must not separate from her husband. But if she does, she must remain unmarried or else be reconciled to her husband. And a husband must not divorce his wife."
As christians we are to pray for our marriage and ask God  to strengthen our relationship not only with Him but also with each other. We all have struggles and trials, why is it that when we as a couple are faced with trials we tend to give up on each other and take the easy way out? God has already told us that there would be trials and struggles. We have to learn to rely on God and humble ourselves before him. We cannot handle the struggles on our own. It is time we get back to the basics, give it all to God, let Him take control. It is time we SEEK the Lord and GIVE it all to Him. It is important to spend time with the Lord together as a couple, read the Bible, do daily devotions, and pray together. It is also important that you have date nights and discuss things that might be a concern to the other. It is also important to build one another up, compliment one another daily, encourage one another and most important whenever struggles come your way be supportive of one another, get together and pray. Pray about your struggles as husband and wife giving it all to God knowing He has complete control. Pray for an annointing and blessing upon your marriage. Pray for one another daily. If you are in ministry, don't ever put your ministry before your spouse. It is always God first, then your spouse, your family, then your ministry. Even if you are not in ministry and you have a job, don't do this as well. It is important to remember that Christ should be our focus and we should be united as one. Marriage takes work, not only when struggle arise but it should be a daily thing. I am writing this as I have learned from mistakes in my own marriage and noticed signs that our marriage was in trouble. I felt the need to share this. I hope this help saves someone esle's marriage. Divorce should never be mentioned in a marriage. Once mentioned, it is hard to forget.
I am not saying that we should never divorce because I do believe that there are certain circumstances that God would not allow us to keep suffering such as under physical abuse, verbal abuse, and adultery. If you have a spouse that is a devoted Christian and he is willing to attend Christian counseling and is truly sorry for what he has committed then I do believe you should seek God and allow forgiveness and Christian counseling to save your marriage. To avoid all this prayer is the key, praying over one another everyday will help strengthen your marriage. In some cases you may not have a choice if you spouse is the one who chose to leave and file for divorce which is what happened in my case. My spouse filed for divorce so I had no say in the matter. He simply chose another path. I have now forgiven him as well others involved and I must say that praying blessings over them has brought about true peace in my life. Divorce can be ugly and painful at the time but God will bring about healing in your life. God has truly blessed me and used this storm in my life to strengthen me and He has helped me to draw closer to Him. Please know I have been through a divorce and learned from my own mistakes. I am now lifting marriages up in prayer. I hope this helps someone that is struggling in their marriage. May you find your first love, Jesus Christ and may you restore your love in your spouse again. Love is not a feeling, it is an action, a decision!!! May God bless your marriage and for those who are single or have been through a divorced, seek the Lord, wait on His timing, be patient, be encouraged through God's word. God will bring healing to you in time. Praying for marriages!!! Praying for those who are going through a divorce that God would bring comfort, healing, and strength to you!!! Blessings my friends, may God be with you always!!!

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